The first step is to sign up and verify your account, via email. Don’t forget to check your spam folder for a verification link. We then ask you some simple questions to understand your needs so we can match you to the most compatible candidates.
After you register, submit a job in just a few simple steps. Let our market intelligence and job data help you zoom in on the skills and experience you need. Or enter your job information manually.
Ready to free up time, save money, and connect with interview-ready talent? Simply review the plan, and optionally select job credits good for one year, or multiple jobs for discounts.
Submit your order, and our recruiters get to work contacting candidates and qualifying them. Generally, within a few days, you see a list of qualified, motivated candidates, ready to interview.
Get qualified, interview-ready candidates from multiple job sites.
Post job requirements easily using our interactive job assistant.
Pay just $599 per job – avoid expensive staffing-agency fees.
We keep looking until you’re satisfied with your candidates.
Get an on-demand recruitment team working for you 24/7.
Meet compatible talent more likely to succeed in the job.
Stop wasting hours sifting through unqualified applicants. We mine multiple sites and dozens of professional channels, then utilize our recruiting team, to get you a list of pre-qualified interview-ready candidates.
Start nowArya provides hiring-trend insights to help you make better, more data-driven hires. What specific skills are associated with my job? Where can I find the most qualified candidates? All these insights, and our interactive job assistant, help you target and attract the same qualified candidates you would pay an agency to find.
Start nowStaffing agency fees and commissions quickly add up. Even if you don’t use an agency, you still have to pay multiple premium job sites and spend hours sorting through candidates. With Arya, you can pay one low price per job, and get qualified candidates who want to interview for your open job.
Start nowOnce you have signed up and paid for the service, we ask you some simple questions to understand your preference, so we can match you to the right candidates. Our recruiting team then goes to work finding and engaging the most compatible candidates for you.
Start nowNot finding the candidates you expect? Contact our support team and we’ll work with you to refine your results. We don’t stop until you’re happy.
Start nowThings that make it the best place to start Arya
Choose either a single job plan or contact sales for multiple jobs depending on your requirement.
Pre-qualified applicant list
Candidates from premium job sources
Candidate profiles with contact info
Intelligent job advertising
Job description library
Dedicated talent acquisition team
Interview-ready candidate list
Need a volume discount for multiple jobs?
Need more services, like ATS integration and diversity hiring?
Have a larger recruiting organization?
Contact us or chat live with a Arya sales representative.